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Comments from my previous & current patients:

Organic Vegetables

Susan M

 After failing the first  time in looking for a dietitian, I was referred to dietitian Melanie Levy by my Gastroenterologist.


I had blood tests done that showed I needed to get things like cholesterol & triglycerides etc. levels down. I am a changed person.


Both mentally & physically is an understatement- Melanie really listens to you , she hears your areas of concern & puts together an eating plan that is both do-able  & enjoyable, it’s not a diet, it’s a new way of life.


I adapted so well to it that I don’t recognize the previous “me”.

Overall my gut has settled down & is no longer controlling my life .


I now have my husband starting this new way of life & with Melanie’s 6 week check ups I feel more positive & determined to continue following this exciting journey.

Green Peas

Jenny F

For many years I battled to lose weight & fluctuated between starving myself, which made me miserable & binging on sweets & chocolates, which made me even more miserable. 


Thank goodness, I started seeking advice from Melanie Levy, who is a wise & outstanding dietician. Her eating plans are not diets but eating plans which make me feel full, healthy & satisfied, & I have lost a fair amount of weight as well. 


I highly recommend Melanie who advises you according to your own individual needs, wishes & requirements.


Her “lifestyle” approach to weight management is excellent, unique & successful.

Green Peas

Lauren C

Mel is such a motivating & encouraging dietitian who has helped me find confidence in my body & helped me to feel good in my own skin.


She gives you tips on recipes, social functions & everyday eating habits. Her diet is not a diet but a lifestyle which allows you to enjoy your life with balance.


Mel has helped me to lose & maintain my weight & she has made me feel empowered & strong in choosing what I put into my body.

Organic Vegetables

Isabella B

My doctor made me aware that my kidney function was deteriorating. From 2018 I started going to Melanie Levy. She is an amazing person. She guided & helped me & gave me notes on a low potassium diet - for example Dietary Guidelines for limiting salt intake.


Every time I visited her she gave me new meal plans & discussed it with me. Melanie guided & helped & lost 10 kg. With her support & help I can now prepare my own meals.


I would recommend Melanie's services to anybody that needs support.

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