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Areas of specialization

  • Weight loss: state of the art equipment used for body composition analysis together with a step by step approach to making lifestyle changes to support & maintain healthy weight loss.

  • Diabetes: Dietary prescriptions & guidance to achieve ideal blood glucose readings.

  • Raised cholesterol & triglycerides.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Renal diet guidelines.

  • Oncology dietary support.

  • Non Alcoholic Steatic Hepatitis (NASH)

  • Diverticulitis

  • PCOS



On-going motivation:

  • Ongoing motivation for lifestyle changes to integrate the “diet” as part of your lifestyle:

    • Holiday eating guidelines.

    • Legal cheating

    • Guide to eating in restaurants

    • Eating at social functions

    • Important behavioral changes for long-term success

    • Exercise guidelines

  • Cravings and sweet-tooth hacks

  • How to cope on a “hungry day”


Vitality Nutrition Assessments

  • A half an hour dietetic consultation including a dietary history, anthropometric assessment & nutritional advice given on specifics required from the patient, or where the dietician believes recommendations should be made to the diet.

  • 1000 Vitality points may be obtained for this session.



  • Family& couple consultations encouraged.

  • Consultations for caregivers, domestics & supportive family members.

  • Virtual or in-person consultations. Formal diet prescriptions provided or more relaxed guidelines with on-going motivation as preferred by the patient.

  • Private, one on one consultations.

  • Group talks offered: schools, corporate functions

  • Self-monitoring tools provided for long-term maintenance






How the consultations work:

  • First consultation is one hour.

  • Follow up consultations are half an hour - they are educational, supportive & motivational sessions, not “weigh-ins”

  • NO WEEKLY FOLLOW UPS for weight loss. Consultations are staggered to be cost effective & still offer the support required to optimize weight loss that is monitored at physiologically reasonable intervals.

  • No weighing of your foods!!

  • Comprehensive notes given at each session.


Putting into practice:

  • Recipe ideas & best cooking practices discussed.

  • Step by step guides on correct foods to purchase, with pictures to guide.

  • Topic of each session based on feedback from the patient

Green Smoothie
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