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Hospital Dietetics
Areas of specialisation

  • Critical care nutrition in the ICU, including calculation & on-going management of enteral & parenteral nutrition.


  • Optimizing recovery from surgery to applying ERAS guidelines for pre- surgical, surgical & post-surgical nutrition.


  • Nutrition for neurology patients with strokes & swallowing difficulties. Individualized dietary approach as part of a multidisciplinary teams of neurologists, physicians, psychologists & speech therapists.  


  • Dietary education for newly diagnosed diabetics/ insulin resistance or the pre-diabetic phase.


  • Intestinal failure from inflammatory bowel disease where parenteral, enteral & specialised oral nutritional products are used in conjunction with on-going communications with gastroenterologists.


  • Dietary management of kidney stones after consultation with the urologist as to the chemical make-up of the stones.




  • Treatment of oncology patients: either management of symptoms to cancer therapy treatment, loss of appetite, nausea & vomiting or appropriate palliative nutritional care as required.


  • Dietary advice for good cardiac care post angiogram or cardiac arrest.


  • Optimizing nutrition for wound care, sepsis or malnutrition.


  • Nutrition interventions for COVID & pulmonary complications individualised as to the patient ability to obtain calories orally or for the supplemental nutrition support.


  • Nutrition programs for the metabolic syndrome & all features that present within this diagnosis.


  • Post-surgical complications of short bowel syndrome.


  • Dietary advice post hiatus hernia repair (Nissans Procedure)



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